Robin Chapter 2 "Still Shining"
Photo by Randy Bacon
A few years ago, I first shared my story about trying to end my life by suicide. It amazes me every day just how far God has taken me since that day over 36 years ago. A life back then that I did not feel worthy of being a part of. Now fast forward and I am reminded daily of not only my worth but my purpose in why I exist.
Life isn’t really like a box of chocolates as they say, but in actuality it is more like a puzzle. A box of jumbled up pieces tossed into a mixed-up mess of cutouts and mis figured shapes. When you pour it out onto a table it looks like a heap of a mess and yet when you slowly sift through the pieces, the life in the puzzle slowly takes form. As the small glimpses of beauty in each piece transpired into shapes, you start to recognize that eventually they do in fact all fit together.
Some days it feels as if the puzzle will never be finished and often when we get to the very end, one piece is missing, and the entire puzzle seems as if you wasted your time. Trust me, even when the pieces are missing you have to realize the beauty in putting it together lies in the patience, the excitement, the lessons we learn and the anticipation of what it will look like in the end.
Life isn’t meant to be figured out by how we think it should fit so neatly on a table or in a display of what we think it should even look like. No, life is about purpose, finding the gifts God has placed inside of each of us. I am blessed that even in the trials I have gone through, I was given the wisdom to use them to help others along the way. My life hasn’t been a bed of roses since I first shared my story, but I am still grateful for the things I had to endure. Once again, the darkest times have eventually flashed the brightest light along my path.
Photo by Randy Bacon
Photo by Randy Bacon
One year after sharing my story, I was inspired to write a book- “My Morning Song, Psalms 23 My Journey Back from Suicide”. I knew writing a book would help others and confirm just why my life was spared so many years ago. To date, the book has been shared all over the world. It has touched lives in India, Bahrain, Canada, Germany, and many other Countries along the way.
My journey may not have been easy, but I am so blessed when God uses what I have gone through to help others along the way. My darkest times are now used to shine light on those around me. In August of this year I was blessed to establish “Choose 2 Live;” a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and the prevention of suicide, anxiety, and depression.
Photo by Randy Bacon
Life is not just about choices we are called to make but it is a responsibility to help others in sharing what we have conquered along the way. is my personal mission to reach those who far too often hear the voice of failure whispering in their ear. My life’s passion is to help others discover their gifts and to choose 2 lives every day with the puzzle pieces they are given. One of the greatest things I have learned in my life is this, “It truly is okay to not be okay and that sometimes the things in life we desire are not the things God desires for us.”
A wise man once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain. I am so blessed that I am living out my WHY..
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