Jeremy "Hope Starts at Home"
Photo by Joe Combs
We are being presented with opportunities right now, perhaps more than ever before or ever again in our lifetimes, to be a blessing to those around us. We have the power to give hope and speak life. To reassure and encourage. To demonstrate selflessness. To be a light in the darkness. To be a source of calm in the midst of the storm.
Just as the ripple effect of COVID-19 has impacted and infected the world around us, so too will our response to it. If we are to rise above and overcome the current adversity we face as a nation, now more than ever, our actions of love, guidance, and comfort must - first and foremost - be blatantly obvious in the place and with the people we’re supposed to love and care for the most: At Home with Our Family.
Photo by Joe Combs
Without question, the single-most hopeful and helpful action I have personally taken in my response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been to gather my family at the table and for a conversation. No TV. No phones. No tablets. Just us, sitting face-to-face, taking the time to discuss all the obvious and not-so-obvious ways our lives are being impacted. We talked about ways we can support one another, brainstormed ways to maintain structure while mom and dad are working from home, to continue learning while the kids are out of school, and activity for both our health and our sanity. Most importantly, we listened to one another, we reaffirmed our love for one another and our faith in God, and as a family made a commitment to serve one another and to strive to do the right thing at all costs.
The greatest lesson I’ve learned as a parent is that my children are always watching. Always. Their perception is indeed their reality. And their reactions to the reality of the situations they face, at every age and throughout every season, will often mirror and mimic mine.
Adults tend to think our children don’t fully comprehend the magnitude of the challenges we face. They comprehend and are more aware than we could ever realize. Evidence of this is how each of us can think back and reflect on how specific life-events, interactions, and experiences with our own parents and/or guardians have impacted and shaped both our hearts and our minds. What we experience as children not only becomes part of the truth we embrace but it serves as the foundational framework of our lives. Here’s the deal, plain and simple: If we cannot demonstrate the capacity to thoughtfully, respectfully, and carefully convey our thoughts and emotions to guide our own homes while navigating these stressful and uncharted waters - how could we ever expect to convince, sway, or positively influence and impact those further from the epicenter of our lives?
Parents and Guardians, you may not know the words to say (I sure didn’t). It may feel a bit awkward at the outset of your conversation (It sure did). But I promise you this: The heart you have for your loved-ones and family will show. It will ultimately come through. No matter the age of your kids or length of time you’ve been with your spouse or significant other, your love will resonate and your leadership will give reassurance at a time when it’s needed and it matters the most.
Prayers of love and strength to you all.
Share your story of hope with the world. We are holding an open call for candid stories about everyday heroes during this time of uncertainty.
We want to hear about the neighbor delivering food, the nurse or doctor on the front lines, the grocery store employee working tirelessly to keep shelves stocked, the mother or father finding creative ways to entertain kids at home. We want to hear about acts of love and selflessness during this time of crisis. While we might be physically separated, we challenge you to become more connected than ever through the power of story.