“At the Age of 80…”
I was born in Southwestern Missouri. My childhood was not ideal, but we had food on the table. My dad had lost his arm in a sawmill accident when I was 2 years old. He was the primary support for the family. My mom was in and out of my life because of the poor choices that she continued to make. My parents had a total of 8 children with me being the 5th born. I started school in 1947. I attended school until 7th grade because I had to help my dad in the sawmill.
Our education was not a priority, especially mine because I couldn't always understand the reading or writing. Fast forward to my later years in life I met my 2nd wife Billie. She worked in the educational system and we had conversations about my education. Billie encouraged me to get tested to find out what my educational level was. We discovered that I had a disability called Dyslexia and this was why I had issues with learning. Billie worked with me through the years just to get by.
Here I am at the age of 80, and I decided that I wanted to start working on my reading. I started by asking my family to help find a place locally to help me learn and we discovered an adult program through Ozarks Literacy Council, at the downtown library. I was given some tests and next thing you know I was on my way. I was introduced to Steve, my mentor. I have been in the program almost a year and I definitely feel that I didn't make the wrong choice. I know that I will never be a scholar, but I will be able to understand what I'm reading. I'm thankful I found these services.
A recent cancer diagnosis has not slowed Clyde’s desire to learn. He is working hard and improving by leaps and bounds.
“I might die tomorrow but I am going to learn to read today.”