“It’s Simply Unacceptable”
As the owner of a large trucking company I have seen the devastating impact of domestic violence in the lives of my associates. It is a tragic situation that destroys people and destroys families. Whether it is a personal experience or the lives of my associates, family, or friends, domestic violence impacts all of us. I feel obligated to help and support not only my driving and non-driving associates, but those in the community who are suffering as well.
I am aware of many of our in-house staff and drivers who have experienced domestic violence. In fact, some have even chosen to come to Prime to get out of a domestic violence situation. For our drivers, the ability to move from place to place provides a sense of safety, and the income they earn provides them with independence.
In-house we have established a position within our administrative team to assist our female associates. The trucking industry is a male-dominated industry and we recognize there are some challenges that come with that. Our liaison helps our female drivers find the resources and support they need to move forward and thrive in this industry.
As a company, we are committed to making more people aware of domestic violence and the resources available to those experiencing it. Partnering with our local domestic violence shelter, through sponsorships and volunteer work, has been both eye-opening and fulfilling.
Domestic violence is all around us and it’s simply unacceptable. We have to speak up and support this cause. I feel it is my responsibility to my associates, as well as to my community, to help.