I am a stay-at-home mom. My "job" is to advocate for my kids.
My husband and I had our first son in 2012 and our daughter in 2015. In 2016 we got pregnant with our 2nd son. At 14 weeks we found out via a test that our son had an 86% chance of Down Syndrome. He does have Down Syndrome and is deaf. In 2018 my oldest son was diagnosed with ADHD and ASD, and in November of 2019 my youngest son was diagnosed with Leukemia. We have spent 2020 and 2021 traveling back and forth to St Jude in Memphis for treatment.
My job is to find resources and therapies for my children. I want them to live their best life. It is my mission to help them be all that they can be and whatever they want to be. I have tried many different things to help them over the years. Some worked, some didn't. I call it throwing spaghetti at a wall. Some sticks, some don't. Just do what works.
I have always placed a high importance on self-care and mental health. I haven't always done the right thing in that category. I have a huge support network of family and friends that I allow daily to help me. Last year, I had to travel to Memphis and stay for 9 weeks. I couldn't come home, no one could visit me. I was trapped there with a child that was sick and couldn’t talk. It was one of the loneliest times of my life. But I got through it, and it has strengthened all my relationships.
When I talk to other moms, usually, I tell them to not give up. Do what you can do. Research organizations. Throw some spaghetti at a wall! Do what you can. All you can do is all you can do. Don't spend time worrying about things like should I do more? Am I doing enough? In the end. Love your kids. Invest in them and do what you can. It is enough.
I think the thing that keeps me going is hope. Hope for the future, hope for today. Hope that this world and family are better because of the people in it.