“I Really Like Myself Today”
I started out as a pretty normal kid. I was ADD as a child. My dad was an alcoholic and died when I was 10 years old. I grew up without any real affection from my mother. I started using meth at 26 years old and it ended up destroying my brain. It caused me to hear voices and to be paranoid. I didn’t understand what was happening to me and I ended up homeless.
I’ve been given a lot of chances. I was in prison for three years for stealing a truck. I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia at 31. When I got out of prison, I was able to really appreciate life.
The system stepped in and took care of me. Without that, I would be dead right now or in prison. I’ve been in semi-independent living at Burrell where they teach you how to cook and clean. They help me with medication, and I’ve learned to manage my paranoia. Through all this, I have learned to find more and more of me. It’s been nice knowing that there is a helping hand.
I’ve learned that I had to replace my old life with hobbies and interests that aren’t destructive. I really like myself today. The last few years I’ve had hope. I appreciate life and I am thankful for our system that saved my life.
It’s not that hard to get off drugs, but it is that hard to decide that you want to get off drugs. To anyone struggling with drugs and mental health challenges, I would urge them to take a look at the programs available and medications available. People would learn that there is an easier path than the one they are on.